Monday, September 24, 2007

HW11:"Making Global Voices Heard"

The blog I chose to view today was, Jeff Ooi's blig Screenshots at . When I arrived at his blog i was slightly dissapointed because it was so plain and dull. I think the only person that blogs on this site is Jeff himself. The writing style is kind of unique he gives you the information you need to know bluntly without going on and on about random things that no-one really cares about. This blog is about politics in Malaysia, or atleast thats the impression I got from ready the blog.
I agree with Rebecca MacKinnon, in the article, "Making Global Voices Heard," MacKinnon describes Jeff Ooi's blog as someone who dares to critize authority. In the blog he questions the government and the roll they play in the society that he lives in.
Yet some readers may challenge my view that Jeff Ooi's blog is about politics in Malaysia. After all many have different opioions and different understanding of the way bloggers convey there methods. Indeed, my own argument that Jeff Ooi's blog is about politics in Maylasia is supported by Rebecca MacKinnon's interveiw, some may see it in a different way and think it is based upon something other that just politics and the Malaysian government.

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