Wednesday, September 5, 2007

HW2: 12 Key Ideas

In David Kline and Dan Burstein’s Blog! How the newest media revolution is changing politics, business, and culture, they discuss 12 Key ideas about the impact on blogging. In this blog I will be connecting Key idea number two to an interest I have in my own life. Key idea number two states that “Blogs are particularly interesting because they marry so much personality and attitude with this complex mix of software and technologies.” I connected this Key idea with my personal life because I find it interesting how much people throughout the world can now find out about people that live thousands of miles overseas in such a short span of time. The software and technology that is now available through the internet is changing the way we as people view the world and how we interact with others. Blogging is just one small program online for people to use in order to have their voice heard whether it is in a political sense or on a more personal level. I found it very interesting that a blog can hold so much information and can be sent around the world for thousands of people to read in a matter of seconds.

1 comment:

Tracy Mendham said...

Good, this meets the requirements of the assignment.
Yes, blogging creates a new kind of intimacy between people that are far apart--I guess we've had this in another form through letters and phone calls, but technology speeds it up and makes it public.
You've followed good MLA form in italicizing the title of the book. All the important words in a book title should be capitalized, even if it appears otherwise on the cover:
Blog! How the Newest Media Revolution is Changing Politics, Business, and Culture